Star Trek Adventures

What other miniatures are planned?
In Q2 2018 players can look forward to seeing their characters represented on the tabletop by The Next Generation: Away Team miniatures set, a box of 10 mi...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 at 5:37 PM
How do I deal with a player being captain?
Ultimately, having a player be captain is up you. In Chapter 10: Gamemastering, in the core rulebook, there’s advice for groups who have a captain as a pla...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 at 5:37 PM
How does character progression work?
Your characters are already great examples of leaders in their field: commanders, pilots, soldiers, scientists, and surgeons. With that in mind, Star Trek ...
Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 at 5:38 PM